четвртак, 9. јул 2009.

Personal Live

Archive for the 'Personal life' Category

Luca’s Birthday!

Marucia Kintschev

As we cross-posted in Futbolita today, Kaká celebrated Luca’s 1-year birthday at a “chic house” in Itaim, the south of São Paulo. The party was three weeks late because he was in South Africa for the Confederations Cup and could only form a letter “L” to commemorate the occasion.

Carol and Kaká received more than 100 guests and among were the other celebrities like Elano, Robinho, Felipe Massa and Ronaldo.

Kaka, Carol and Luca

Photo : Flagra

Photo : Flagra

Kaka, Carol and baby Luca out and about on holiday! Photo courtesy Flagra

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